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Securing Network Access With MikroTik RouterOS User Management

Do you own a MikroTik RouterOS and want to ensure its security? You've landed in the right place! In this post, we'll show you how to secure your MikroTik RouterOS login users in simple and easy-to-follow steps.

MikroTik RouterOS Login Users

But first, let's talk about why it's essential to secure your MikroTik RouterOS login users. Your MikroTik RouterOS is the first line of defense against malicious attacks, and any loophole in its configuration can leave your network vulnerable to cybercriminals.

Securing Your MikroTik RouterOS Login Users

In this section, we'll walk you through the steps to secure your MikroTik RouterOS login users:

1. Change the Default Password

Most users often overlook this simple yet crucial step. The default login username for MikroTik RouterOS is 'admin', and the password is blank. Leaving the password field empty makes it easy for anyone with access to the network to log in and manipulate the configuration.

To change the default password, launch the MikroTik Winbox application and navigate to System -> Password. Here, you can change the username and set a strong, unique password that includes a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

2. Limit Login Attempts

MikroTik RouterOS allows you to limit the number of login attempts by a user before their account gets locked. This feature comes in handy when dealing with brute-force attacks, where attackers try different combinations of username and password until they get a match.

To enable this feature, navigate to System -> Users and add the following parameters:

  • Max Login Attempts: Set this value to a reasonable number, say 3 or 5.
  • Login Retry Time: This is the time, in seconds, a user has to wait before attempting another login after exceeding the maximum login attempts.

3. Use RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)

RBAC is an efficient way of controlling access to your MikroTik RouterOS by assigning different roles to users. Each role has specific permissions that determine what a user can and cannot do on the network.

You can configure RBAC by navigating to System -> Users -> Groups and creating new groups with specific roles. After creating the groups, assign users to corresponding groups based on their responsibilities.

4. Enable CAPsMAN

CAPsMAN (Controlled Access Point system MANager) is an advanced feature that enables centralized management of MikroTik access points. By enabling CAPsMAN, you can create a wireless network for users to access the internet and control how users interact with the network.

To enable CAPsMAN, navigate to Wireless -> CAPsMAN and configure the settings as per your preferences.

5. Disable Unnecessary Services

MikroTik RouterOS comes with various services that may not be necessary for your network. Disabling these services can help reduce the attack surface and minimize the risk of a successful cyberattack.

To disable unnecessary services, navigate to IP -> Services and disable the services you don't need. Some of the services you can disable include FTP, Telnet, HTTP, and API services.

6. Monitor User Activities

Monitoring user activities is an effective way of detecting suspicious activities on your network. By monitoring user activities, you can identify when users try to access unauthorized resources or perform suspicious activities.

To enable user monitoring, navigate to Tools -> Netwatch and add the IP addresses you want to monitor. Netwatch will send notifications when the user performs any activity on the network.


Securing your MikroTik RouterOS login users is crucial in securing your network against cyberattacks. By following the steps outlined above, you can significantly reduce the attack surface and ensure that your network is safe from malicious attacks. Remember to set strong and unique passwords, limit login attempts, use RBAC, enable CAPsMAN, disable unnecessary services, and monitor user activities. With these measures in place, you can rest assured that your network is safe and secure.

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