Boosting Web Browsing Speed With MikroTik Router Proxy Cache
Are you looking to improve your internet browsing experience? One way to do so is by setting up a transparent proxy server, which can help improve the speed and security of your internet connection. In this post, we'll guide you through the process of configuring a transparent proxy server on your MikroTik router.

Step 1: Accessing Your Router
The first step in configuring a transparent proxy server is accessing your MikroTik router. To do so, open your web browser and enter the IP address of your router. If you're not sure what the IP address of your router is, you can find it by typing "ipconfig" into your Command Prompt or Terminal window. Once you've entered the IP address of your router, you should be prompted to enter a username and password. Enter the credentials for your router and click "Login."
Step 2: Configuring Web Proxy
Once you've logged in to your router, click on "IP" in the left-hand panel, and then click on "Web Proxy." In the "Web Proxy" window, click on "Enable." This will enable the web proxy on your MikroTik router.
Next, you'll need to configure the web proxy. Under the "Web Proxy" tab, enter the port number that you want the web proxy service to use. The default port number is 8080, but you can use any port number that you prefer. You can also choose to enable or disable the cache by checking or unchecking the "Cache Administrator Data" box.
Once you've entered the necessary information, click on "Apply" to save your settings.
Step 3: Configuring the Transparent Proxy
The next step is to configure the transparent proxy on your MikroTik router. To do so, click on "IP" in the left-hand panel, and then click on "Firewall." In the "Firewall" window, click on the "NAT" tab.
Under the "NAT" tab, click on the "+" icon to add a new rule. In the "General" tab, set the following settings:
- Chain: "dstnat"
- Protocol: "tcp"
- Dst. Port: "80"
Next, switch to the "Action" tab and set the following settings:
- Action: "redirect"
- To Ports: "8080"
Once you've entered the necessary information, click on "Apply" to save your settings.
Step 4: Testing Your Transparent Proxy Server
The final step is to test your transparent proxy server. To do so, open your web browser and try to access a website. If everything is set up correctly, your web browser should automatically connect to the web proxy server that you just configured.
You can verify that the web proxy is working by checking the "Web Proxy Access" logs on your MikroTik router. To do so, click on "IP" in the left-hand panel, and then click on "Web Proxy Access."
Setting up a transparent proxy server on your MikroTik router can help improve the speed and security of your internet connection. By following the steps outlined in this post, you should be able to configure a transparent proxy server in no time. If you run into any issues, be sure to consult the documentation for your MikroTik router.
And that's it! You should now have a functional transparent proxy server on your MikroTik router. Enjoy your improved internet browsing experience!
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