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Exploring MikroTik Router Firewall Features For VPN Security

So, you want to set up an IPsec VPN between a Mikrotik Router and a Vigor Router? Well, well, well, aren't we feeling fancy today? Let's see if we can make this happen for you - don't worry, I won't judge why you need a VPN. Confidentiality and privacy are for everyone, not just for spies and hackers.

Mikrotik Firewall Filter Rules Rule 1

First things first, let's check if you have the latest version of RouterOS - we wouldn't want your outdated system to mess up your VPN like a bad hair day. Go ahead and update it if needed.

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of creating a VPN, shall we? It's like building a secret tunnel to the internet - but don't worry, you won't need a pickaxe.

Gather the Necessary Information

The first step is to gather all the necessary information - you know, like when you're preparing for a heist and you need to know everything about the target. In this case, the target is your network routing. You'll need to know the following:

  • The public IP address of the Vigor router
  • The WAN IP address of the Mikrotik router
  • The Local IP address range of the Mikrotik router network
  • The Remote IP address range of the Vigor router network
  • The username and password for the VPN on both routers

Got everything? Good. Now let's move on to the next step.

Configure the Mikrotik Router

The next step is to configure the Mikrotik router to allow IPsec VPN traffic. This is like giving a bouncer the okay to let the right people (a.k.a. your VPN traffic) enter your VIP party.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Mikrotik RouterOS interface
  2. Go to the IP tab, then click Firewall
  3. In the Firewall windows, click on the Filter Rules tab
  4. Add a new rule
  5. In the General tab, choose Chain: input and Protocol: ipsec-esp
  6. In the Action tab, choose Action: accept
  7. In the Src. Address tab, choose your Local IP address range for Mikrotik network
  8. In the Dst. Address tab, choose your Remote IP address range for Vigor network
  9. Click Apply

Now your Mikrotik Router is ready to party - I mean, ready to allow IPsec traffic. Next up, let's configure the Vigor Router.

Configure the Vigor Router

The Vigor Router will be responsible for initiating the VPN. Think of it as a shy person walking up to you and asking for a dance. You'll need to do your part and lead the way.

Follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Vigor router interface
  2. Go to the VPN and Remote Access tab
  3. Click on the IPsec General Setup tab
  4. Click Add
  5. Set the Local Policy to Route-Based
  6. Set the Remote Gateway to the public IP address of the Mikrotik router
  7. Set the Local IP/Subnet Mask to the WAN IP address of the Vigor router
  8. Set the Remote IP/Subnet Mask to the WAN IP address of the Mikrotik router
  9. Set the Pre-Shared Key to the VPN password you set for the Mikrotik router
  10. Click Apply

That's it - you've successfully set up an IPsec VPN between a Mikrotik Router and a Vigor Router! Wasn't that easy? But wait, there's more.

Extra Tips and Tricks

Hey, I'm not just gonna leave you hanging like a disco ball without a light. Here are some extra tips and tricks to enhance your VPN experience:

  • Use a strong and unique password for your VPN to prevent unwanted guests from joining your party
  • Set your VPN connection to automatically reconnect in case of a dropout
  • Try using different VPN protocols for different situations - for example, use SSTP when you need more security or PPTP for faster speed
  • Use a VPN client on your device for added security and ease of use

There you have it - everything you need to know about setting up an IPsec VPN between a Mikrotik and a Vigor router. Now go ahead and enjoy your newfound privacy and security - you deserve it!

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