MikroTik Router Configuration VLAN Setup Made Easy
Hey there, fellow tech enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the world of Mikrotik Router Configuration. Let's get started.

Firstly, Mikrotik RouterOS is an operating system designed for installation on a PC or virtual machine, turning it into a router with all necessary features. With RouterOS, you can create VPN servers both for site-to-site tunnels and remote access, hotspot gateways, and forwarding traffic from ports, interfaces, or even specific protocols. Cool, right? So, how can we configure a Mikrotik Router?
Let's start with VLAN configuration, which is a capability to allow several virtual LANs to coexist on a single physical interface but still be segregated from each other. In other words, we can create multiple virtual switches on a physical switch and limit the communication between them.
The Steps for VLAN Configuration on a Mikrotik Router
Here are the steps to configure VLAN on a Mikrotik Router:
- First, we need to create a physical interface and add as many VLANs as necessary:
- Go to interfaces menu
- Click on the plus (+) button and select VLAN
- Enter the VLAN ID and select the parent interface
- Finish by clicking on apply
- Next, we'll create a bridge so the VLANs can communicate with each other:
- Go to bridge menu
- Click on the plus (+) button and give a name for the bridge interface
- Add ports by clicking on the plus (+) button, then select the physical interface and VLAN interface created earlier
- Finish by clicking apply
- Finally, we'll assign IP addresses to the VLANs by creating VLAN interfaces:
- Go to IP menu
- Click on the plus (+) button and select VLAN interface
- Enter the VLAN ID and select the bridge interface
- Add the IP address and subnet mask
- Finish by clicking apply
Now, let's move on to create an IPv6 firewall on a Mikrotik Router.
The Steps to Create an IPv6 Firewall on a Mikrotik Router
Follow these steps:
- Go to IP menu and select Firewall
- Click on the plus (+) button to create a new rule
- Select the type to be IPv6, and fill in the information while following these criteria:
- Chain: select the appropriate chain depending on the type of traffic that needs filtering, for example, input or forward
- Action: what needs to be done with the traffic if it matches the criteria, such as drop or accept
- Protocol: the protocol type to filter, such as TCP or UDP
- Src. Address: the source IP address of the traffic being filtered
- Src. Port: the source TCP or UDP port of the traffic being filtered
- Dst. Address: the destination IP address of the traffic being filtered
- Dst. Port: the destination TCP or UDP port of the traffic being filtered
- Finish by clicking apply
Now that we know how to configure VLAN and IPv6 firewall, let's take a look at some more powerful features in Mikrotik RouterOS.
Additional Features in Mikrotik RouterOS
Here are some of the additional features that Mikrotik RouterOS provides:
- Queue Tree Configuration
With this feature, we can limit and prioritize bandwidth usage by individual IP address or traffic type. - VPN Server Configuration
Using RouterOS, we can create VPN servers for site-to-site tunnels and remote access. It supports L2TP, PPTP, OpenVPN, and SSTP. - Wireless Access Point Configuration
Mikrotik RouterOS supports most wireless cards and over 100 different configuration settings for wireless access points. - DHCP Configuration
RouterOS has a built-in DHCP server which can provide IP addresses and configure network settings automatically. - PPPoE Server Configuration
Through PPPoE, we can provide internet access to users and authenticate users with various authentication methods.
Mikrotik Router Configuration may seem daunting at first, but taking the time to learn its features can help you manage your network efficiently. Whether you're a home user or a network administrator, RouterOS has something to offer. Don't be afraid to experiment to find out what works best for you.
So, that's it for now. Stay tuned for more tech tips in the future!
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